Meeting of the ESL Executive Committee Bagnols sur Cèze on 01. 29th.2011


Participants: S. Michelini, R. Baumeister, J.P. Belgrado, F. Boccardo, P. Bourgeois, E. Dimakakos, A. Leduc, O. Leduc, A. Pissas

Excused: C. Campisi, O. Eliska, I. Forner Cordero, J-P Brun, M.Riquet with proxies

  1. Opening: A. Leduc, in his quality of “pres. of hon.” opens the meeting and he informs about the death of our member Prof. Dr Eliskova. The all members decide to send a letter of condolence to our colleague and friend Oldrich Eliska.
  1. Election of the board:

President: candidate S. Michelini: result of vote  13  yes  and 1 abstention

Vice Presidents: candidates R. Baumeister : result of vote 13 yes and 1 abstention

F. Boccardo: result of vote 13 yes and 1 abstention

Treasurer: candidate J.P. Belgrado : result of vote 13 yes and 1 abstention

Secretary: candidate O. Leduc : result of vote 12 yes and 2 abstentions

  1. Election of the scientific committee:

The President propose to elect Pierre Bourgeois as President and Evangelos Dimakakos as Vice-President. The presents voted:

President: P. Bourgeois 13 yes and 1 abstention

Vice-president: E. Dimakakos 13 yes and 1 abstention

The scientific has to help the Congress President to maintain elevate the scientific level of the meeting. The meeting president is the main deciding autority.

It is proposed to define different categories of presentation:

The full presentation: time 20 minutes

The short presentation: time 10 minutes

The poster presentation


  1. 4. E.J.R.L.P.

Editor in Chief: F. Boccardo

Executive Editor: S. Michelini

In addition Michelini propose other the still existing assistant editors: I. Forner Cordero and E. Dimakakos are proposed.

The “national delegate” appellation is abandoned but Scientific Committee is persisting (proposal of Belgrado and Baumeister).

The Editor in Chief and the Scientific Committee have to maintain the scientific quality of the journal.

  1. 5. Financial situation

J.P.Belgrado explains that we have actually a budget of: 6.000 €.

He also reminds the difficulty he has to send the journal to our Russian members because the journal is regularly “back to sender”  and post costs are really expensive.

To reduce the costs, Baumeister proposes to ask the editor to send the journal by himself. The President proposes to analyse this opportunity.

The EJRLP is send today to approximately 130 members in order with fees payment.

  1. 6. Adaptation of the ESL rules.

Introduction: Pissas gives an historical development of the rules of the Society and he reminds the different modifications introduced in the rules and published in the Belgium official journal called: “Moniteur belge”.

Bourgeois insists on the necessity to adapt the rules with the evolution of our society and to define more precisely the objectives of the ESL.

Pissas answers that answers the more the objectives are precisely described, the more difficult ‘ll become the organisation. He precises that the actual rules are excellent and really democratic.

The discussion addresses point by point:

–       Article 3:  “lymphatic drainage”  becomes “ lymphology” and “from the anatomical and physiological points of view” is suppressed.

–       Article 6:

Paragr. 1 = “lymphatic drainage” becomes “ lymphology”

Paragr. 2 = “the goals reported in article 3, becomes “lymphology”

Paragr. 3 = “all members reported in number 1,2,3” becomes: all members reported in article 1,2,3 and article 9…

–       Article 9:  5.000 belgian francs becomes = 200 €uros

And in addition: “members who not payed the current fee cannot participate to the General Assembly.

–       Article 14: “of full members” becomes = of full members respecting article 9

Important note: In EJRLP 52 in 2007 ESL rules were published by error.

These “rules” must also being eliminated from the “ESL website”.

Internal rules: internal rules of ESL are existing but not yet translated in English.

The President proposes to translate the internal rules and to inform the members, also by website.

Website of the Society.

Michelini presents officially the new Website of the Society, just very popular from the statistical datas. The President urges all members of the Society to provide input and ideas to further enhance the news spread through the site


Second part of the meeting Bagnols sur Cèze on 01. 30th 2011


Participants: S. Michelini, R. Baumeister, J.P. Belgrado, F. Boccardo,  E. Dimakakos, A. Leduc, O. Leduc, A. Pissas

Excused: C. Campisi, O. Eliska, I. Forner Cordero, J-P Brun, M.Riquet with proxies

Next congresses of  ESL:

E. Foldi proposed, during our last meeting, to organize the Congress in Freiburg (Germany) in 2012. The proposal was accepted.

F. Cordero proposed to organize our meeting in Valencia (Spain) in 2011 but for professional reasons this proposal could‘nt be respected.

F. Cordero proposes actually to organise the meeting in 2012.

President Michelini ‘ll contact with F. Cordero to have an agreement.

Next congresses: Genoa in 2013 proposed by F. Boccardo and C. Campisi

and 2014 in Brussels proposed by P. Bourgeois.

Awards : The Caplan and Papamiltiades awards are still confirmed and are proposed each 2 years.

The price amount is: 1.000 Euros.

The President is informing W. Olszewski that this year the price is the Papamiltiades award. The candidates must be informed by announcement of the congress.

The condition criterias:

Caplan price: anatomo-clinical presentation

Papamiltiades price: patho-physiology and investigation

The authors have to candidate for the price by the Meeting President

They have to send the full text of the presentation and the text must be presented and published during the year in the E.J.R.L.P.

The General Assembly has to be organized during the first day of the meeting. The Jury of the award is composed by:

  1. the meeting President
  2. the ESL President
  3. the scientific committee President
  4. the scientific committee Vice President
  5. the editor in chief of EJRLP

No other award is accepted : the “P.B. award” is a “private award” and no private award may be given during the meeting.

Website: President Michelini proposes to mention on the ESL website the lymphology books written by the titular members of our society.

President Michelini thanks all participants of this Executive Committee and he thanks particularly A. Pissas and Françoise Pissas for the nice organisation of these both days.

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