

He “translated” his expertise of the lymphoscintigraphic investigations for the management of the edematous situations (mainly secondary to the management of cancers) in the “real world” in 2009: his protocol for the lymphoscintigraphic investigations of the edematous situations was officially adopted by the Belgian Society of Nuclear Medicine and the Belgian Health Insurance System as the technical way to define these situations as “lymphedema” with implications for the re-imbursement of the physical treatments by the Insurance System.

He introduced the lymphoscintigraphic investigations in the Jules Bordet Institute in 1978. The same year, he participated to the foundation of the Groupement d’Etude des Lymphatiques, now the European Society of Lymphology. He founded the European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems in 1990 and was Editor in Chief of the journal until 2003. He was President of the ESL from 2003 to 2006 and is now President of the ESL scientific committee.

Publications and/or works in relation to Lymphology:

“Post Operative Axillary Lymphoscintigraphy in the management of breast cancer”.

P. Bourgeois, J. Frühling and J. Henry.

Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol. 9, p 29-32, 1983

Internal mammary lymphoscintigraphy: current status in the treatment of breast cancer’

P. Bourgeois and J. Frühling

C.R.C. Critical Reviews oncology-hematology, vol I, p 21 – 47, 1984

Axillary lymphoscintigraphy: current status in the treatment of breast cancer’

J. Frühling and P. Bourgeois

C.R.C. Critical Reviews oncology-hematology, vol I, p 1 – 20, 1984

“Imagerie actuelle du système lymphatique”

J.M. Collette, T. Barras, P. Bourgeois, J. Lardinois, P. Petroons, R.F. Bondelinger et J.C. Kurdziel

Encycl. Med. Chir. (Paris, France), radiodiagnostic III, 32290 A1°, p 22, 2, 1988

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