

ā€œIsotope labelling and axillary node harvesting strategies for breast cancerā€

P. Bourgeois, J.M. Nogaret*, I. Veys*, D. Hertens*, D. Noterman*, J.C. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Schobbens*, M. PaesmansĀ° and D. Larsimont**

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2008:34(6):615-619 [Epub ahead of print: 2007 15 jun]


ā€œAnomalies of thoracic lymph duct drainage demonstrated by lymphoscintigraphy and review of the literature about these anomaliesā€

Bourgeois P*, Munck D** and Sales F***

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2008; 34(5):553-55 [Epub ahead of print: 2007:15 Jun]

Ā«Ā Evaluation lymphoscintigraphique dā€™Ć©ventuelles anomalies du systĆØme lymphatique au niveau des membres infĆ©rieurs de joueurs de footballĀ : Ć  propos de six observations.

Pierre Bourgeois et Albert Leduc

Rev FranƧaise Biophys Med Nucl 2007Ā ; 31Ā :10-15

ā€œScintigraphic investigations of the lymphatic systemĀ : the influence of the injected volume and quantity of labeled colloidal tracer.ā€

P. Bourgeois

J Nucl Med 2007Ā ;48Ā :693-695

ā€œClinical validation of a molecular assay for intra-operative Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  detection of metastases in breast

sentinel lymph nodesā€

Martin Martinez MD, Veys I, Majjaj S, Lespagnard L, Schobbens JC, Rouas G, Filippov V, Noterman D, Hertens D, Feoli F, Bourgeois P, Durbecq V, Larsimont Buy cheap Viagra D, Nogaret JM

Eur J Surg Oncol. 2008 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print]


ā€œScintigraphic investigations of the superficial lymphatic system: quantitative difference

between intradermal and subcutaneous injectionsā€.

Pierre Bourgeois, Oliver Leduc, Jean-Pol Belgrado and Albert Leduc.

Nucl Med Commun 2009:30(4):270-274

Ā«Ā Lymphoscintigraphy, Angiomyomatous Hamartomas and Primary Lower Limb


Pierre Bourgeois, Jean-Louis Dargent, Denis Larsimont, Denis Munck, Francois Sales, Magda Boels$, Christine De Valck

Clin Nucl Med 2009Ā ;34Ā :405-9

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