Statute (English version)


Article 1. Denomination

The international non-profit association of international utility is called “GROUPEMENT EUROPÉEN DE LYMPHOLOGIE” (abbreviated as G.E.L.), the English translation being “EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF LYMPHOLOGY” (abbreviated as E.S.L.)

All deeds, invoices, announcements, publications and other documents issued by the international non-profit association must mention its name, preceded or followed immediately by the words “international non-profit association” or the acronym “AISBL” and the address of its registered office.

This association is governed by the Companies/Societies and Associations Code (23 March 2019).

Article 2. Head office

The association’s head office is located in the Brussels-Capital Region.

The Social Venue of the association is 1180, Brussels, avenue Winston Churchill, 11/30, Belgium.

The registered office of the international non-profit association may, by simple decision of the board of Administrators, establish or abolish business offices, provided that this decision does not entail a change in the language regime applicable to the Society, in which case a general meeting by notarial deed with translation of the articles of association will be necessary.

Article 3. Object

The association, which is devoid of any spirit of profit, has the disinterested aim of promoting the basic, experimental and clinical study of the lymphatic system (and its pathologies) in its anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological forms, either by its own initiatlve, or in collaboration with third parties.

In order to achieve this disinterested aim, the association has as its object the following activities (non-exhaustive list), both in Europe and abroad, on its own account or on behalf of its members

  • Organization of competitions, congresses, etc.
  • Awarding of prizes dedicated to both basic and clinical research, …
  • Publication, editing, …
  • Organization of courses, teaching and theoretical and practical training (diagnostic and therapeutic methods/approaches to these diseases, etc.)
  • Organization of working groups, regional chapters, etc.
  • Promotion of basic, experimental and clinical research, etc.
  • Promotion of preventive approaches,
  • Promotion, organization and development of multidisciplinary collaboration, research, …

The association may, both in Europe and abroad, carry out all acts and activities relating indirectly or directly to its object on its own behalf or on behalf of its members. In particular, it may lend its assistance and take an interest in any activity similar to its purpose. It may apply to public or private institutions for subsidies for the achievement of its objective.

Article 4. Duration

The association is constituted for an unlimited period.


Section I: Admission

Article 5. Members

1st. The association is composed of Effective, Honorary, Correspondent and Associate Members. The number of members may not be less than 21, including at least 7 Effective Members.

  1. The following are effective members:
  • the founders;
  • persons who are admitted as Full Members in accordance with Article 6, §1 of these Statutes and who meet the following CUMULATIVE conditions:
  1. belong to a recognised profession of the medical or paramedical arts,
  2. Be interested in the lymphatic system,
  3. have demonstrated scientific activity in relation to the lymphatic system,
  4. be sponsored by at least two full members
  5. The following are associate members:
  • persons who are admitted as Associate Members in accordance with Article 6, §2 of these Statutes and who meet the following CUMULATIVE conditions:
  1. be interested in the lymphatic system,
  2. be sponsored by at least two full members

Associate members have the right to vote at the general meeting only on certain subjects, as stated in article 20, but are not eligible as Administrators on the board of Administrators.

  1. The following are Corresponding Members:
  • persons who are admitted as Members in accordance with Article 6, §1 of these Statutes and who meet the following CUMULATIVE conditions:

a} belong to a recognized profession of the medical or paramedical art,

 b} be interested in the lymphatic system,

c} have demonstrated scientific activity related to the lymphatic system,

  1. be sponsored by at least two full members
  2. not belong to one of the member countries of the EEC/EU.

Corresponding members have the same powers as full members (right to vote at the General Assembly on all subjects) but are not eligible as members of the Executive Committee.

  1. The following are Honorary Members:

Certain full or corresponding members whose appointment is proposed to the General Assembly by the Board of Administrators in accordance with Article 6§1 and on the basis of their past activity for the benefit of Lymphology and/or the company.

Honorary members do not pay membership fees but retain their powers (and duties) as members by right, including the right to the general assembly on all subjects.

Article 6. Admission procedure

1st. Admission as a Full or Corresponding Member

To be admitted as a Full, Corresponding or Honorary Member, the person who meets the conditions stipulated in the previous article must obtain the approval of the General Assembly.

To this end, the candidate must send to the Board of Administrators, by ordinary mail or by e-mail to the Society’s e-mail address, a reasoned request indicating his surname, first names, profession, address and all useful means of contact (telephone, mobile phone, email address), as well as the identity of the Effective Member(s) who presented him/her.

The requests shall be placed on the agenda of the first general assembly that follows or, if this falls later, at the special general assembly which is held in the first half of each calendar year and which decides by a simple majority.

Within eight days after the General Assembly has met and taken a decision, the Board of Administrators shall notify the candidate, by ordinary mail or e-mail, of the response to his or her request.

The general assembly may refuse the request subject to justification. The refusal of approval is without appeal.

  1. Admission as an Associate Member

To be admitted as Associate Member, the person who meets the conditions stipulated in the preceding article must obtain the approval of the Board of Administrators.

To this end, the candidate must send to the Board of Administrators by ordinary mail or by e-mail to the Society’s e-mail address a request indicating his/her surname, first names, profession) and address as well as, if applicable, the identity of the Effective Member(s) who presented him/her.

Within fifteen days of receipt of this letter, the Board of Administrators notifies the candidate, by ordinary mail or by e-mail, of the response to his request.

The Board of Administrators decides on the question by a slmple majority.

The Board of Administrators may refuse the request subject to justification. The refusal of approval is without appeal.

Section II: Resignation and Exclusion

Article 7. Departure/Resignation

1st. Each Member, regardless of category, of the association is free to resign at any time.

This resignation must be sent to the Board of Administrators by ordinary mail to the Society’s registered office or by e-mail to the association’s email address.

  1. The Member who no longer meets the requirements stipulated in Article 5 of these statutes is at that time deemed to have resigned by right.
  2. In the event of the death, bankruptcy, liquidation or prohibition of a Member, the Member shall be deemed to have resigned by operation of law on that date.
  3. The Member who does not pay his subscriptions, within one month of the written request for this purpose by ordinary mail or to the e-mail address he has communicated to the association, is deemed to have resigned.
  4. A resigning Member cannot claim the assets of the association and cannot claim the reimbursement of his contribution and of the contributions he has paid or required, nor a statement, nor rendering of accounts, nor the affixing of seals, nor an inventory.

Article 8. Exclusion

1st. The association may, on the proposal of the Board of Administrators or an Effective Member, exclude a Member regardless of his or her category, in particular for good reasons or one or more of the following reasons:

  • For a member of the board of Administrators with a function, serious breach in the exercise thereof,
  • Scientific publication that is misleading in its content and withdrawn by the publishing journal,
  • Publications likely to harm society and its scientific reputation,
  • Any other reason deemed valid by the General Assembly

2nd. Only the General Assembly is competent to pronounce the exclusion of a Full, Corresponding or Honorary Member.

The proposal for exclusion shall be communicated to the Member concerned by e-mail to the e-mail address it has communicated to the association, at least 60 days before the date of the general meeting. If the member concerned has chosen to communicate with the association by mail, the proposal will be communicated to him by registered mail.

The Member whose exclusion is requested must be heard at the General Assembly. It also has the right to make its observations known in writing and in the same way in advance to the general meeting, after the communication of the proposed exclusion.

The exclusion of a Member may only be pronounced by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the voters (without a quorum required).

3rd. The Board of Administrators is competent to pronounce the exclusion of a Member. The proposed exclusion is communicated to the Member concerned by e-mail to the e-mail address that he/she has communicated to the association. If the member concerned has chosen to communicate with the association by post, the proposal is communicated to him by registered mail.

The Adhering Member whose exclusion is requested has the right to make his observations known in writing and in the same way to the Board of Administrators, in the event of the communication of the proposed exclusion.

The member concerned must be heard at his request.

The exclusion of a Member may only be pronounced by the Board of Administrators by a two-thirds majority of the voters (without a quorum required).

4rh. The Board of Administrators shall communicate the decision to exclude the Member concerned within fifteen days by e-mail to the e-mail address it has communicated to the company. If the member has chosen to contact the Society by mail, the decision will be communicated to the member by registered mail.

5th. An excluded Member cannot claim the association’s assets and cannot claim reimbursement of his contribution and the contributions he has paid.

6th. An expelled Member may not demand or require a statement, a rendering of accounts, the affixing of seals, or inventory.

Article 9. Membership Fees

Full Members and Associate Members pay an identical annual fee, the amount of which is set by the General Assembly.

It may not exceed 200 euros.




Article 10. Composition of the Board of Administrators

The Association shall be governed by a Board composed of at least 10 Administrators and not more than 28 Administrators from at least seven (7) different countries.

Administrators must have been effective members for at least 3 years.

The Board of Administrators shall include at least one director of belgian nationality.

At least four-fifths of the board members are also members of the International Society of Lymphology, an association incorporated under the laws of the United States, headquartered at 1501 N. Campbell Avenue Tucson, AZ. USA 85724-5200.

Each European national company affiliated as a “Chapter” to the ESL is entitled to one representative on the Board of Administrators. This representative has the right to vote only if elected as a director.

The Administrators are appointed by the general meeting for four years.

In the event of an appointment, if no candidate receives a majority of the votes, a run-off vote shall be held between the candidates who have obtained the most votes.

In the event of a tie vote in the run-off election, the oldest candidate is elected.

Outgoing Administrators may only be re-elected twice in a row. After a 4-year break as an administrator, one of them can be re-appointed as an administrator.

The term of office of outgoing Administrators who are not re-elected shall cease immediately after the general meeting which led to the re-election.

Any member of the Board of Administrators may resign by simply notifying the Board of Administrators.

The dismissal of a director shall be the responsibility of the general meeting in accordance with the procedure and the voting majority referred to in Article 8§1.

Every director is required to continue to carry out his mission after his resignation until he has been filled in his place at the end of a reasonable period.

When a director’s office becomes vacant before the end of his or her term, the remaining Administrators have the right to co-opt a new director. The first general meeting that follows must confirm the mandate of the co-opted director. In the event of confirmation, the co-opted director shall complete the term of office of his predecessor, unless the general meeting decides otherwise. In the absence of confirmation, the term of office of the co-opted director shall end after the general meeting, without prejudice to the regularity of the composition of the board of Administrators until that date.

Article 11. Chair of the Board of Administrators and Executive Committee

The general meeting shall appoint, by a two-thirds majority of the voters, from among the Administrators, a Chairman.

Within the Board of Administrators, the General Assembly, on the proposal of the Board of Administrators, appoints an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE chaired by the President, and also made up of:

– two Vice-Presidents

– a Treasurer

-a Secretary

– a Delegated Administrator for day-to-day management.

If the President is unable to attend, he shall be replaced by the Vice-President or, in the absence of a Vice-President, by another director appointed by his colleagues, or, in the absence of agreement, by the eldest of the Administrators present.

The Executive Committee may seek the advice of special committees or experts, chosen from among the Administrators and to whom it may delegate certain tasks, such as:

  • the person responsible for the website,
  • the editor-in-chief of the journal EJLRP
  • the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee
  • the presentation of prizes to be awarded by the association
  • the organizer of the Congress
  • Editing articles or journals

Article 12. Convening of the administrative body/board of administrators

The Board of Administrators shall meet at the invitation of the Chairman or, if the Chairman is unable to attend, the Vice-Chairman or Secretary or, in the absence of Vice-Chairman and Secretary or if they are unable to attend, of another director appointed by his colleagues.

The notice of meeting shall be made in writing, no later than 20 days before the meeting, except in an emergency. In the latter case, the nature and reasons for the urgency shall be mentioned in the notice of meeting or in the minutes of the meeting.

The meeting shall be held at the place indicated in the notice of meeting and, in the absence of such an indication, at the head office of the association.

The Board of Administrators may meet by teleconference.

Article 13. Deliberations of the Board of Administrators

The board of Administrators may deliberate and make valid decisions only if the majority of its members are present.

The Board of Administrators may deliberate and make valid decisions on items that are not on the agenda only if all its members are present or represented at the meeting and give their consent.

This consent will be deemed to be given if no objection has been recorded in the minutes. Decisions of the Board of Administrators are taken by majority vote.

In the event of a tie, the President or the person who replaces him or her has the casting vote.

Article 14. Board of Administrators Minutes

The decisions of the Board of Administrators shall be recorded in minutes signed by the chairman of the meeting and the Administrators who so wish.

These minutes are recorded in a special register and published on the association’s website.

Board members may request that their opinions or objections to a decision of the Board of Administrators be recorded in the minutes.

All copies and extracts of the minutes shall be signed by one or more members of the Administrative Council with the power of representation, in accordance with Article 15, §2 of these Statutes.

Article 15. Powers of the Board of Administrators

1st. Powers

The board of Administrators has the power to perform all acts necessary or useful for the achievement of the object and purpose of the association, except those reserved by law or the present statutes to the general assembly

However, the prior approval of the general assembly must be obtained by the board of Administrators for any participation of the association in the constitution of another association or company, any merger operation, demerger, or contribution to an association or company.

  1. Power of Representation

Without prejudice to the general power of representation of the board of Administrators as a college, the association is validly committed, in and out of court, and in all acts drawn up by a public officer, by the joint signature of the President and another director.

They must not present proof of their powers to third parties.

Article 16. Administrators’ compensation

The term of office of the Administrators is free of charge.

Article 17. Day-to-day management

The board of Administrators may, by a simple majority, delegate the management of the association, as well as the representation of the association with regard to this management, to one or more Administrators or external persons.

The Board of Administrators shall determine by a simple majority whether they shall act jointly or collectively.

Day-to-day management includes both acts and decisions which do not exceed the needs of the daily life of the association and acts and decisions which, either because of the minor interest they represent or because of their urgent nature, do not justify the intervention of the board of Administrators.

The Board of Administrators shall determine the powers and any remuneration for the delegates responsible for the management of the Joumal.

He may revoke their mandates at any time by a simple majority.

Article 18. Control of the association

When required by law and within the limits provided for by law, the supervision of the association is ensured by one or more commissioners.




Article 19. Composition

The General Assembly is composed of Full Members, Correspondents, Honorary Members and Associate Members.

Associate members can still attend the General Assembly but nevertheless have a restricted right to vote on the following subjects only:

  1. Place and time of the annual congress of the association
  2. Admission of a new Associate or Honorary Member
  3. Dissolution, transformation, demerger, merger, report of activities of the association

Article 20. Powers

The General Assembly shall exercise the powers conferred on it by law and by these statutes. The following shall fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting:

1° the amendment of the articles of association;

2° the appointment and dismissal of Administrators;

 3° the appointment and dismissal of the commissioner;

4° the discharge to be granted to the Administrators and the commissioner, as well as, where appropriate, the institution of an action by the association against the Administrators and the commissioners;

5° the approval of the annual accounts and the budget;

6° the approval of the report of the previous General Assembly,

6° the acceptance of new Effective-Full, Correspondent or Honorary members

 7° the modification of the Rules of Procedure

8° the dissolution of the association;

9° the exclusion of an Full, Correspondent or Honorary Member

10° The transformation of the association into an approved cooperative society CAMM social enterprise and an approved cooperative society social enterprise;

11° make or accept the contribution of a universality free of charge;

12° all other cases where the law or these statutes so require.

Article 21. Holding and convening

An ordinary general assembly is held at the head office during the first half of each calendar year on the first Saturday of April at 6 p.m. to approve the annual accounts. If this day is a public holiday, the general meeting is postponed to the next working day.

In addition to this assembly, the Board of Administrators and, where appropriate, the Commissioner, must convene the General Assembly in the cases provided for by law or in these statutes, as well as whenever the interest of the association so requires or when at least one fifth of the Effective Members so request. In the latter case, the Full Members indicate the subjects to be included on the agenda in their request.

The Board of Administrators or, where applicable, the Commissioner shall convene the General Assembly within twenty-one days of the request for convening, and the General Assembly shall be held no later than the fortieth day following such request.

The invitations to the general assembly contain the agenda and any useful supporting documents. Any proposal signed by at least one fifth of the Effective Members shall be placed on the agenda.

They are sent by e-mail at least fifteen days before the meeting to the Members, the Administrators and, where applicable, the auditors. They are made by ordinary mail to people for whom the association does not have an e-mail address, on the same day as the electronic invitations are sent.

A copy of the documents that must be sent to the general meeting by law is sent without delay and free of charge to the Members, directors and commissioners who request it

Any person may waive the notice of meeting and, in any case, will be considered to have been duly convened if he or she is present or represented at the assembly.

The holding of General Assembly s is announced on the website of the Society (and affiliated societies) with the information useful for their holding, i.e. date and time, place, agenda and any useful related documents.

Article 22. Admission to the General Assembly

To be admitted to the General Assembly and to exercise the right to vote, a member must be a Member, be registered as such in the register of members, and be in good standing with the subscription/fee

The notice of Assembly may stipulate that in order to participate in the general asssembly, members must also inform the association of their intention to attend at least five working days before the meeting by mail to the association’s headquarters or by e-mail to the association’s e-mail address.

When the general assembly deliberates on the basis of a report drawn up by the auditor, the latter takes part in the meeting.

Article 23. Sessions

The general assembly is chaired by the chairman of the board of Administrators or, in his absence, by the vice-president, or, failing that, by the oldest administrator. If no administrator is present, the general assembly will be chaired by the oldest member present.

Article 24. Deliberations

1st. Associate members can still attend the General Assembly but nevertheless have a restricted right to vote on the following subjects only:

  1. Place and time of the annual meeting of the association
  2. Admission of a new Associate or Honorary member
  3. Dissolution, transformation, demerger, merger, contribution of activities of the association

2nd. Any meeting may deliberate only on the proposals on the agenda, unless all the persons to be convened are present or represented, and, in the latter case, if the proxies expressly mention it.

3rd. Majorities

Except in cases provided for by law or in these statutes, decisions shall be taken by a majority of votes, regardless of the number of members represented at the general assembly.

On the following subjects, the assembly decides subject to a quorum of presence of TWO-THIRDS of all its members (present or represented), and by a majority of TWO-THIRDS of the voters:

– Amendment of the articles of association

-dissolution, transformation, merger, contribution of universality

4rth. Voting Procedures

Votes are cast by show of hands or by registration on a voting list.

Votes concerning the admission, exclusion of a member, or the appointment or dismissal of a administrator or any other natural person designated by name, shall be cast by secret ballot.

A member who is unable to be present also has the right to vote in writing before the general assembly. This written form must be sent to the association no later than 7 days before the day of the general assembly. A written statement shall remain valid for each subsequent general assembly as long as the same items on the agenda are dealt with.

Article 25. Minutes

1st. The minutes recording the decisions of the general assembly shall be recorded in a register kept at the head office. They are signed by the president of the general assembly and the secretary, as well as by the members present who requested it.

The attendance list and any reports, or postal votes, are annexed to the minutes.

The register of minutes shall be kept at the registered office of the association where all members may examine them, but without having to move the register.

The copies to be delivered to third parties shall be signed by one or more members of the board of Administrators with the power of representation.

2nd. The minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly and Board of Administrators once approved by the General Assembly are accessible to members via a secure link on the company’s website.




Article 26. Financing

In addition to the contributions that will be paid by the members, the association will be financed by donations, bequests and income from its activities, among other things.

Article 27. Exercise social

The exercise social begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year.

On this last date, the company’s records are finalized and the board of directors draws up your annual accounts in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The Board of Directors also prepares a budget proposal for the following financial year.

The Board of Directors submits the annual accounts for the previous financial year and the proposed budget for the following financial year to the Annual General Meeting.

Article 28. Rules of procedure

Internal regulations/rules may be drawn up by the Board of Administrators and presented for approval to the General Assembly. Amendments to these rules may be made by a general assembly, acting by a simple majority of the Effective, Correspondent, and Honorary Members present.


Article 29. Dissolution

The association may be dissolved at any time, by decision of the general assembly taken under the same conditions of special majority as referred to above.

The reporting obligations, if applicable, applicable in accordance with the law will be complied with in this context.

Article 30. Liquidators

In the event of dissolution of the association, for any reason and at any time whatsoever, the Administrators in office shall be appointed as liquidators under these statutes if no other liquidator has been appointed, without prejudice to the power of the general assembly to appoint one or more liquidators and to determine their powers and emoluments.

Article 31. Allocation of net assets

In the event of dissolution and liquidation, the extraordinary general meeting shall decide on the allocation of the association’s assets, which must in any event be allocated to a European non-profit association with a similar purpose.

This allocation is made after all debts, charges and liquidation costs have been cleared or after the amounts necessary for this purpose have been deposited




Article 32. Election of address

For the purpose of executing these statutes, any member, administrator, commissioner or liquidator domiciled abroad shall elect an address for service at the registered office where all communications, summonses, assignations or signification may be validly made to him if he has not chosen another domicile in Belgium vis-à-vis the association.

Article 33. Jurisdiction

For any dispute between the association, its members, administrators, auditors and liquidators relating to the affairs of the association and the execution of these statutes, exclusive jurisdiction is conferred on the courts of the registered office, unless the association expressly waives it.

Article 34. Common law

The provisions of the Societies and Associations Code from which there is no lawful derogation are deemed to be included in these articles of association and clauses contrary to the mandatory provisions of the Societies Code are deemed to be unwritten.


The General Meeting resolves to set the number of Directors at a maximum of 28.

The following persons are hereby appointed or reappointed to the Board of Directors for a term commencing on the date hereof and expiring on 1 October 2022:

Mr Francesco BOCCARDO, first name, here represented as above and who accepts :
Mrs Etelka FOELDI, given name, here represented as above and who accepts;
Mr Rudiger BAUMEISTER, first name, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Mr Olivier LEDUC, first name, present and accepting;
Mr Pierre BOURGEOIS, first name, present and accepting;
Mrs Marina CESTARI, here represented as above and accepting;
Mr Sandro MICHELINI, first name, here represented as above and who accepts;
Mr Evangelos DIMAKAKOS, given name, here represented as above and who accepts;
Mr Albert LEDUC (Honorary Chairman), here represented as above and who accepts;
Mr Hakan BRORSON, first name, here represented as above and who accepts;

Part B – Continued


L’Assemblée générale décide de fixer le nombre d’administrateurs à un maximum de 28.

Les personnes suivantes sont nommées ou reconduites dans leurs fonctions au sein du Conseil d’administration pour un mandat commençant à la date du présent document et expirant le 1er octobre 2022 :

M. Francesco BOCCARDO, prénom, représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte :
Mme Etelka FOELDI, prénom, ici représentée comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Rudiger BAUMEISTER, prénom, ici représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Olivier LEDUC, prénom, présent et acceptant ;
M. Pierre BOURGEOIS, prénom, présent et acceptant ;
Mme Marina CESTARI, ici représentée comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Sandro MICHELINI, prénom, ici représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Evangelos DIMAKAKOS, prénom, ici représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Albert LEDUC (Président d’honneur), représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;
M. Hakan BRORSON, prénom, représenté comme ci-dessus et qui accepte ;

Part B – Continued

Mr. Corradino CAMPISI, pre-named, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Ms. !sabei FORNER-CORDERO, hereinafter referred to, represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Mr Amer HAMADE, given name, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Mr Jaseph HARFOUCHE, first name, here present and accepting;
Mr Giovanni MONETA, forenamed, here represented as above and who accepts;
Mr Martin WALD, pre-named, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Mrs Karin JOHANSSON, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts;
Mr Alexandre PISSAS, pre-named, here represented as aforesaid and who accepts.
Mr Waldemar OLSZEWSKI, first-named, here represented as above and who accepts; Mr Alexandre PISSAS, first-named, here represented as above and who accepts.
In accordance with the Articles of Association, the General Meeting then appoints an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, on the proposal of the Board of Directors meeting at the time:

Chairman: Mr Francesco BOCCARDO, given name, here represented as above and who accepts
two Vice-Presidents : Mrs Etelka FOELDI and Mr Rudìger BAUMEISTER, forenamed, here represented as above and who accept
a Treasurer: Mr Pierre BOURGEOIS, forenamed, here present and accepting
a Secretary: Mr Olivier LEDUC, first name, present and accepting
a Managing Director: Mr Pierre BOURGEOIS, first name, present and accepting. His mandate will be exercised as free work


Website manager: Ms Marina CESTARI, first name, here represented as above and who accepts.
editor-in-chief of the EJLRP journal: Mr Sandro MICHELINI, first name, here represented as above and accepting
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Committee: Mr Pierre BOURGEOIS and Mr Evangelas DIMAKAKOS, both forenamed, here present and represented as aforesaid and who accept.
presentation of the prizes to be awarded by the association: Mr Evangelos DIMAKAKOS, pre-named, here represented as above and who accepts.
All mandates will be exercised free of charge.


The meeting approves the accounts for the 2019 financial year and the budgets for 2020 and 2021 presented by the Chairman.


In view of the amendment to Article 2 following the CSA, the meeting hereby specifies outside the Articles of Association the address of the registered office: BE 1180 Brussels (Belgium), avenue Winston Churchill 11/30.

The association’s website is SIXTH RESOLUTION – COORDINATION

The General Meeting grants all powers to Maitre Jean-Pierre MARCHANT, Notaire Saussigné, to coordinate the Articles of Association of the association, to draft the text of the coordination, to file it and to publish it in the Moniteur Beige, after having requested any necessary authorisation from the competent Ministry, insofar as the corporate object has been amended to comply with the CSA.


The preceding resolutions were adopted successively and unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7pm.



(simultaneous dispatch of a copy with the manager’s report, the auditor’s report and the accounting statement)

“Delivered before registration for the sole purpose of filing with the Registry of the Commercial Court” Law 15.12.2005. Jean-Pierre MARCHANT, notary.